How Do I Use the Virtual Whiteboard?

The virtual whiteboard provides a synchronous experience, allowing teachers to make real-time updates to the canvas that students can observe.

Accessing the Whiteboard

To access the whiteboard, navigate to your Classroom page and locate the whiteboard in the toolbar at the bottom of the page represented by a scribbling pencil icon:

A virtual classroom interface showing multiple generic user icons with names below each. A toolbar at the bottom shows features, and the Whiteboard icon is highlighted.

When the whiteboard is selected in the teacher account, it will open on active student accounts, enabling them to see real-time updates made by the teacher on the canvas.

A blank digital canvas with drawing tools at the bottom, including a pencil, eraser, and text tool.

Upon completion of using the virtual whiteboard, simply click the 'x' in the upper right corner or the Whiteboard button at the bottom to close it, which will also close the whiteboard for the students. 

Whiteboard Features

The whiteboard offers two sets of tools that empower teachers to control what students see and how they engage with the whiteboard.

In the top left corner of the whiteboard, teachers have various options for manipulating the canvas:

A toolbar with features including a toggle switch labeled

  • Zoom In or Out
  • Pan to move to different sections of the whiteboard
  • Undo
  • Insert Image
  • Add Background Image
  • Download to save an image of the work
  • Erase the entire canvas
  • “Students Can Draw”: This option allows students to draw on the whiteboard in real time alongside the teacher.

Toolbar with shape settings: square or circle type, five size options, and eight color selections including black, blue, green, yellow, and orange.

At the bottom of the whiteboard, teachers have access to several drawing tools:

  • Erase
  • Select
  • Insert Text
  • Insert Line
  • Marker/Highlighter
  • Insert Shape

If the "Students can draw" toggle is set to On, then students will have access to the same set of tools.

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