How Do I Launch Classwork?

Kiddom's Classwork feature, previously known as Lesson Launch, works with Kiddom’s curriculum management and lesson planning tools to enable teachers to find, customize, and schedule presentations and assignments. Classwork also gives teachers the ability to launch presentations and real-time assignments during live instruction. 

Classwork utilizes the power of technology to get real-time feedback on student engagement and understanding, which allows teachers to make immediate instructional decisions to move forward in the lesson, re-teach a particular concept, or try different strategies. With Classwork, teachers can provide students with support during a lesson instead of waiting to receive student work, review and assess it, and then re-teach the material at a later time. 

How do I add assignments to my queue?

When planning for a lesson, you can add assignments to your queue ahead of time. Assignments that have been added to your queue will not show up on a student's Assignments page until they have been launched.

Scheduling Classwork

Once you have navigated to an assignment or lesson, you can add it to your queue. Click the blue "Classwork" button in the upper right-hand corner and select "Schedule Classwork". Select the class and adjust the date and time as needed. Click "Schedule Classwork" and a confirmation message will appear in the lower right corner. Within this message, click the blue “View” button to be brought directly to your queue on your Classroom page.

A screenshot of the Kiddom platform showing a how to launch a classwork assignment.

You can also locate your queue by going to the “Classes” tab, entering your class, and clicking on the “Classwork” button at the bottom within the control panel. Simply click on the assignment and click “Start Classwork” to launch it to your students!

Screenshot of a Kiddom classroom showing how to launch classwork.

Once the assignment has launched, your students will need to navigate to their Classroom page, where they will be prompted to begin the assignment. You will be able to monitor their progress and provide feedback in real-time as students complete the assignment.

You can also preview assignments with students by clicking on the assignment from your queue. This will open a preview, where you can interact with the assignment to model it for students before starting the assignment. Please note that this will not open the preview on student devices, but this can be displayed for students before starting the assignment.

You can also change the date within your queue to view any assignments that you may have scheduled for a different date. Click on the calendar icon above the assignment and select the date you’d like to change the assignment to.

A classroom dashboard shows student avatars. A calendar is open on the right, highlighting how to change the classwork launch date.

How do I launch Classwork right away?

If you’re viewing an assignment within your curriculum and you want to launch it to your students right away, you can click “Classwork” and select “Start Classwork”, then select the class you want to assign it to and click “Start Classwork”. The assignment will immediately launch to the students in your class, making this an easy and fast way to push out an assignment in real-time.

Screenshot of the Kiddom platform showing how to launch classwork from an assignment page.

The Classwork Experience

What will students see?

Once the classwork is launched, students will see a pop-up notification alerting them that they have new classwork to complete. Please note that students should be in the "Classroom" section of their account to see this, rather than on their Assignments page. Once they click "Begin", they will be taken to the assignment.

A pop-up window titled

What will the teacher see?

As students are working on the assignment, teachers can monitor their progress by viewing the percentage completed and by previewing the student's work. To preview their work, hover over the student tile and click "View". This allows you to monitor student progress and check for understanding to make real-time, data-driven adjustments to lessons and pacing. 

A Kiddom classroom interface showing how to access a student's work in realtime.

You can also scan through to preview live answers from students in your class. While previewing a student's assignment, click on the arrows at the bottom to navigate between other student previews.

A digital worksheet titled

What happens when I stop an assignment in Classwork?

When you're ready to stop an assignment for students, click the blue "Stop" button next to the assignment in the queue or within the preview.

Stopping from the queue:

A virtual classroom interface showing 10 student profiles, each with a microphone icon. The

Stopping from the preview:

Screenshot of an online chart titled

Once you've clicked the "Stop" button, students will see a message alerting them that the teacher has stopped the assignment and their work will be submitted.

Screenshot of a digital notification stating:

The submitted assignment will populate on the teacher's Planner page and on the student's Assignments page, just like any other assigned work. Teachers can begin grading the submitted work. If the assignment is unlocked and has not been graded yet, then students will be able to continue working on the assignment asynchronously and can resubmit. 

How can I use presentation slides with Classwork?

Classwork can be used to deliver presentations from the Kiddom platform, so teachers don't have to switch between platforms and tools. Click here to learn more about presentation slides within Classwork.

Note: Classwork does not project the presentation directly to student devices.

Once you’ve located the presentation that you’d like to use within your curriculum, click the blue “Present” button in the upper right corner. You can either click “Start Presentation” to launch the presentation right away on your screen, or you can click “Schedule Presentation” to add it to your queue for later. You can access the presentation from your Classroom page, just like assigned Classwork.

Screenshot of an education platform interface showing a lesson plan titled

Can I use Classwork with all the activities within a lesson?

Yes! If you want to add the lesson presentation and all the activities within a lesson to your queue, you can do so in one step. When viewing the lesson overview page, click the blue “Classwork” button and click “Start Classwork” to launch the presentation and add all the lesson activities to your queue, or click “Schedule Classwork” to add the presentation and all the activities to your queue for later. Then, start the presentation and activities when you’re ready!

Screenshot of a curriculum page showing Lesson 4: Analyzing Poetry for Grade 4. Options to start or schedule classwork are displayed. Lesson content includes analyzing specific poetry pages.

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