What Are Presentation Slides?

Presentation slides are available in Kiddom within bundled curriculum lessons. These pre-made slides are designed to accompany a lesson and can be used to drive the lesson as well as provide visual support for student engagement.

Where to Find Presentation Slides for a Lesson

Presentation slides are located within a lesson in bundled curricula. When viewing a lesson page, the presentation slides will be situated at the top under "Presentations".

Lesson presentation for

You can also find the presentation slides through the Table of Contents. The presentation slides will be the first resource listed under the lesson with a Play Button icon.

Lesson 2 menu with highlighted link:

Once you are on the Presentation Slides page, click on the presentation to open it as a Google Slideshow.

Note: This will open a read-only version of the presentation in Presentation Mode.

An animation showing the process of opening a lesson's presentation.

How to Edit Presentation Slides

To edit a lesson's slides, you will need to personalize the content. Click the "Personalize" button in the upper right corner, give your personalized version a name, click "Confirm," and then click on the presentation to open the editable version. This personalized version of the slides will live in Kiddom, allowing you to always come back to it or switch back to the original version using the version dropdown menu above. Click here to learn more about personalizing content in Kiddom!

Screenshot of a lesson page for Grade 6, Module 2, Unit 2, Lesson 2 with a personalize option button highlighted.

Why are some slides skipped?

Skipped slides are included for teachers to use as references. They are not explicitly taught in the lesson and therefore are not student-facing. However, by personalizing the presentation, teachers have the option to make a hidden slide visible to students if they wish.

Helpful Hint: When presenting slides, teachers can access the speaker notes for additional lesson guidance. To view the speaker notes, click on the 3-dot button in the lower left corner and click "Open Speaker Notes" to view the notes for that slide.

A lesson slide. At the bottom of the picture shows the steps to open the presentation's speaker notes, by clicking the presentation menu and selecting Open speaker notes.

Adding Presentation Slides to the Classwork Queue

You can add the presentation slides to your Classwork queue for easy access when you're ready to teach your lesson. Click on the "Present" button in the upper right corner. If you're ready to launch the presentation immediately, click "Start Presentation". If you'd like to add it to your queue to present later, click "Schedule Presentation" and select your class and date. Click here to learn more about launching presentations and activities using the Classwork feature.

Options for how to present a lesson's presentation are shown: Start Presentation or Schedule Presentation.

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