How Do I Add, Invite, Edit or Delete Students?

There are several different ways to add students to your class.

Note: if your school or district manages rosters through an integration system (e.g., Clever, ClassLink), you cannot add, remove, or edit students in Kiddom. Please contact your school's administrator or IT team to update users within your integration system. See below for additional support on removing students.

Invite Students to Join

Invite students to join your class using your unique class code.

  1. From the class landing page, click on the Add People icon and choose Add Students.

Digital classroom dashboard showing six circular student icons arranged in a grid format, with options to add students, teachers, or groups at the top right.

  1. Provide students with your class code and have them join your class. If they haven't signed up for Kiddom yet, they can sign up here.

Instruction diagram showing Step 1: Students create their account at Step 2: Enter class code to join.

  1. Once students have entered your class code, you will get a notification letting you know that they have joined.

Invite students to join your class via email.

You can also send your students an invitation to their email inbox.

  1. From the class landing page, click on the Add People icon and choose Add Students.
  2. Click "Email student instructions to join class" button.
  3. Copy and paste the students' email addresses, and they will receive a link to join your class.

    Note: Be sure to separate each student's email address with a line break by pressing Enter between.

A form to invite students to join a class via email is displayed. It includes fields for entering student emails, a

Adding Students to your Roster

Setting up a class roster allows you to copy and paste a list of students' names directly into your class.

  1. From the class landing page, click on the Add People icon and choose Add Students.
  2. Click "Add students to class roster" button.
  3. Add each student's name into the box. Note: Be sure to separate each student's name with a line break by pressing Enter between.

NOTE: Students added to your roster this way will not have access to their assignments and real-time reports. This is an option if you would only like to use Kiddom as a gradebook to input student scores. This does not create student accounts.

Dialog box for adding students to a roster. Text field example:

Copying Students from One Class to Another

If a student is moved from one of your classes to another or if you have multiple classes with the same group of students, you can quickly add students from one of your classes into another class.

  1. From the class landing page, click on the Add People icon and choose Add Students.
  2. Click "Add students from another class" button.
  3. Navigate to the class that currently contains the student or students.
  4. Use the checkboxes to choose individual students to copy, or Select All to copy an entire class.
  5. Click "Add students".

User interface for adding students from another class, showing

Editing Student Names

Did you forget the second 'a' in Rachael's name? No worries! We misspell things too. If you notice a student's name is spelled incorrectly, simply go to your Classroom page and select the student. Once you do, you should see three vertical dots below the student's avatar. Click the menu and then select edit.

Screenshot of a virtual classroom dashboard showing how to select a student and edit their profile.

Click "Save" when you are done, and that student is all set. If your students are managed via an SIS, click the blue chat icon on the bottom left to send us a message or get in touch with your admin or IT team.

Removing Students from Classes

It’s sad to see students go, but if you need to delete them from your class, you can do this by clicking on the student's name and clicking on the “three dots” menu below their avatar. There you will see an option to delete the student.

Virtual classroom interface displaying how to select a student and remove them from the class.

Deleting Students

If you would like for students to be removed from the Kiddom platform completely, administrators can remove students manually through the User Management feature outlined here.

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