Does Kiddom Support the Response to Intervention (RTI) Framework?

Kiddom helps teachers make data-informed decisions for every student more quickly and efficiently when using the RTI framework.

Tier 1: High-Quality Classroom Instruction, Screening, and Group Interventions

  • With Kiddom, teachers are able to align assessments to Common Core, state, or social emotional learning standards, ensuring that all students are measured against the same criteria for determining interventions.
  • Kiddom’s reports visualize student mastery levels over time by standard (or skill), allowing teachers to make instructional adjustments on the go. Students can be identified for Tier 2 intervention within the RTI-recommended eight weeks, rather than waiting for the end of a grading period to analyze achievement data.
  • Using the curriculum builder, teachers can assign self-guided activities to students in tier 1, while they work more intensively with small groups of students in need of remediation.

Tier 2: Targeted Interventions

  • Teachers can assign students resources from across grade levels, including videos, lessons, quizzes, and activities and tailor their assignments to student learning styles and needs.
  • Content from teachers’ Planners can be assigned directly to the whole class, groups of students, or individual students based on mastery levels. 

Tier 3: Intensive Interventions and Comprehensive Evaluation

  • With Kiddom, teachers may also add collaborators, giving co-teachers, teacher teams, paraprofessionals, counselors, or therapists access to student assignments, grades, and communication. Having all support staff on the same page for Tier 3 students ensures they can receive holistic, data-informed instruction in all areas.
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