How Can Students Draw in Kiddom?
Kiddom includes a Drawing Question Type! Click here to learn about all the available question types in Kiddom.
Where can I find it?
When creating or editing an assignment, you'll find Drawing among the different question types. Begin by adding a question to an assignment followed by selecting Drawing from the menu.
Once selected, you'll see a new field appear that will allow you to add a background image. This is not required, but can be very helpful for questions that require a graph.
How does Drawing look for students?
When a student opens the assignment, they'll see the drawing tool. If you've uploaded a background image, it will appear to students. If no background image was uploaded, then students will begin drawing on a blank white canvas similar to a white piece of paper.
Students will be able to expand the drawing window if needed while maintaining access to the drawing tools and to the question they are answering.
From here, students have a couple of tools to assist them while drawing:
- Image Upload - students can use this to upload an image, like a hand drawn picture or a saved image on their computer.
- Magnifying tool - students will be able to zoom in on their drawing.
- Undo & Redo - students will need to use these buttons as the keyboard shortcuts are not enabled
- Selector - students can use this to move any drawn element.
- Eraser - students can use them only after an element has been selected.
- Text box- students can add text to any drawing with size and color options
- Shapes - students can create shapes with size and color options
- Pencil - students can use different size and color options
Once students complete their drawing, they can submit their work by clicking "Submit". If the student wants to resubmit, they can delete the initial drawing and start all over again from scratch or they can edit the existing drawing and click "Resubmit".
Please note: The drawing will automatically save as they work and students will see a message that says, "Your work has been autosaved" but the work still needs to be submitted when finished.
Things to note:
- Image Upload for Students: Within the drawing window, students have the ability to upload an image in addition to creating a drawing using the tools. This can be helpful for any student who may not be able to draw or completed the assignment on paper. Students can upload jpg, jpeg, png, gifs.
- Uploading PDF's: At this time, we don't support uploading PDF's for drawings, but we know how important this will be and plan to provide support soon.
- Grading: We don't currently display a preview of the drawing when grading, so you'll need to click the Student Response in order to see the answer.