Personalizing Assignments

Teachers often need to modify an assignment to better meet the unique needs of their students. Kiddom includes a personalization feature that enables teachers and administrators to develop tailored versions of assignments prior to assigning them to students.

To customize an assignment, access the activity and select the Personalize button located in the top right corner. This action will prompt the user to provide a name for the new version. Administrators and Editors will also be asked to specify whether the assignment should be stored in their personal library or shared across the school or district. This feature provides an effective method for creating a standardized assessment for all teachers to utilize!

An animation showing how to create a personalized version of an assignment. The user opens an assignment, clicks on the Personalize button, enters a name for the new version, and finally clicks Confirm. A new version of the assignment appears.

Once the new version is created, there are numerous options available for customizing the assignments. Any of the text and questions can be modified or removed. Additionally, new questions can be added, and video and audio support for read-aloud students can be included. Furthermore, points and standards can be adjusted, and the evaluation of the assignment in the grade book can be modified.

To make changes to any of the text, simply click on the text box and add, delete, or modify the information as needed.

Modification of Question Types and Addition of Student Tools

Questions can be altered in various ways. The question text can be edited in the same manner as any other text. Personalization also allows for changes to question types. To modify the question type, click on the Question Type box located between the question and answer box. This action will not alter the question text, but it will update the answer box below to correspond with the new question type.

An animation showing how to change a question to a different type. The user clicks on the question type button and chooses a different question type from the drop-down menu.

Student tools available within Kiddom can also be incorporated into questions by toggling the Show Work button. Students have access to a variety of tools, including drawing, uploading photos or videos, and recording audio responses. In lower grade math courses, students can utilize Math Manipulatives, such as number lines, fraction tools, and linking cubes.

An animation showing how to enable the Student Tools and Math Manipulatives for a question. The user toggles the Show Work switch, then chooses the Toolset.

Adding New Materials

To incorporate new questions or other materials, locate the appropriate section within the assignment and click the prominent gray plus icon on the left-hand side. A dropdown menu will then appear, presenting various options for adding materials. Once a selection is made, a template for the new material will appear below the plus icon, allowing for easy editing, similar to the process described above.

An animation showing how to add a new question to an assignment. The user clicks on a gray plus, then selects question from the dropdown menu.

Other Personalization Settings

Point Values

The scoring system for a question is adjustable. To modify the point value of a question, click on the Point Value button located below the question, and then increase or decrease the value accordingly.

An animation showing how to adjust the point value for a question. The user selects the points button and adjusts the value using up and down arrows.

Standards and Skills

The skills linked to an assignment can be modified either for the entire assignment or for specific questions. This feature enables educators to incorporate assessed skills in the grading reports and track student mastery of standards.

To adjust the overall skills for the assignment, select the blue plus icon in the Skills box within the section named Building Toward, and proceed to add or remove skills. This action will prompt a searchable list of skills aligned with the curriculum, which can be added by clicking an Add button or removed by clicking a Check Mark button.

An animation showing how to add skills to an assignment. The user clicks on the skills bar, finds a new skill, then clicks Add.

Individual questions can be accurately tagged to specific skills by utilizing the Align to Skill button located between the question and answer. This feature is particularly potent when used in summative assessments to evaluate students' mastery of skills.

An animation showing how to associate a skill to a question. The user clicks the Assign to Skill button, finds skills associated with the question, and clicks the Add button next to each skill.

Assignment Settings

The assignment settings button enables educators to modify the grading criteria of an assignment, choosing between formative and summative assessment, as well as specifying the type of assignment (e.g., participation, homework, quiz). The point value box dynamically adjusts to reflect the point values assigned to the questions within the activity.

An animation showing how to adjust an assignment's settings. The user clicks on the Assignment Settings button, which opens a new menu that includes options for adjusting the grading and assignment type.

Assigning Personalized Versions to Students

Once the editing is complete, teachers can preview the new version by clicking on the "Preview" button located in the top right corner.

Icon of an eye inside a circle, symbolizing a preview mode.

If they are satisfied with the results, they should click the "Done" button in the top right corner. This action will automatically finalize the version and open a pop-up window asking to assign it to one or more classes immediately. Editors and Administrators will also have the option to Publish the assignment so that it is shared with all the teachers in their school or district.

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