What Question Types are Available in Kiddom?
We know how important it is to give teachers the flexibility to allow students to show learning in different ways. This is why Kiddom gives teachers the ability to change the type of question so students can still show their mastery.
To change a question type on an assignable activity, you'll need to first create a personalized version. Click here to learn more about personalizing content in Kiddom. Once you've created your personalized version, you can begin to edit it. Locate the question you'd like to change and click on the current question type. This will open a drop-down menu displaying all of the available question types, organized by auto-gradable and manually graded types. Auto-gradable means Kiddom can automatically grade the question as long as the correct answers are selected, while manually graded means the teacher will need to grade student responses. If you are not sure if a question is auto-graded, look for our little robot icon!
Click here to learn more about grading in Kiddom.
Available Question Types:
- Multiple Choice
- Multiple Select
- Fill in the Blank
- Fill in the Blank with Drag and Drop
- Ordering
- Matching
- Categorizing
- Classifying
- Short Answer
Manually Graded:
Auto-Gradable Question Types:
Multiple Choice
Student select one correct answer out of a few choices. This is a great way to check for understanding in assignments, assessments, and more.
Multiple Select
Students are able to pick multiple correct answers out of a list of options. This is a great way to check for understanding in assignments, assessments, and more.
Fill in the Blank
Students can fill in blanks that you designate in texts.
To set up your statements and answers, click on the text field inside the box and start typing your sentence or passage. When you get to your fill in the blank word, click on the +Response button to enter the correct answer. Answers are not case-sensitive.
What will the students see?
Students will see the sentence or passage with blank boxes for them to fill in. As the student enters an answer, Kiddom will autosave until they are ready to submit the assignment. View the video below to learn more!
Fill in the Blank with Drag & Drop
Students can drag and drop answers from an item bank into blank spaces in a passage.
To set up your statements and answers, click on the text field inside the box and start typing your sentence or passage. When you get to your fill in the blank word, click on the +Response button to enter the correct answer.
What will the students see?
Students will see the sentence or passage with blank boxes for them to fill in and a question bank to drag the answers from to fill in the the boxes.
Students can drag and drop cards to put them in the right order.
To set up an ordering question, click on the text field on top to enter your instructions on how to order the items. Next, enter your items in the text boxes below to be ordered. Items do not have to be listed in the correct order at the time of creation; you can order them after adding items to enable auto-grading.
Note: Question will not be auto-graded if you do not sort the answers into the correct order.
What will the students see?
Students will see the ordering instructions with the list of items below. They will drag and drop items into the correct order to answer the question. View the video below to learn more!
Students can drag and drop cards to their matching statements. There can only be one correct answer per statement, but you can use answers more than once.
To set up your statements and answers, click on the text field inside the boxes (the top boxes will be your items to be matched, and the bottom boxes will be your statements). You can enter plain text or click the image icon to add a picture. By clicking on the checkbox, you have the option of allowing the same answer to be used more than once.
Note: To enable auto-scoring, match the answers to their correct statement when you create the question. If the items are not matched, teachers must manually score the question.
View the video below to learn more about matching-type questions.
These questions allow you to set up categories for your students to sort items into. This is great for boosting student engagement and checking for understanding.
To set up your items and categories, click on the text field inside the boxes (the top boxes will be your items to be sorted and the bottom boxes will be your categories). You can enter plain text, use the Math Keyboard to add mathematical formulas, or upload an image. You can add up to 99 items or 99 categories.
Note: To enable auto-scoring, sort the items into their correct category when you create the question. If the items are not sorted, teachers must manually score the question.
View the video below to learn more!
Students can create groups and then drag and drop items from an item bank into those groups to demonstrate their ability to differentiate and classify similar items.
Short Answer
Students will have a text field to enter their response through plain text or using the Math Keyboard to enter mathematical formulas.
Manually Graded Question Types:
Written Response
Students are able to write out their answers in a longer form. There is no word- or character-limit for these questions.
Video Response
Students can press the record button to begin recording right in Kiddom as long as they have a camera on their device. Students can also upload a video from their device. Video response is great for projects, debates, lower elementary students, and students with accommodations. This is also a great tool for students to record themselves in small group or partner work (for all grade levels)!
Audio Response
Audio response lets students respond verbally rather than in writing! Students will be able to use their microphone on their device to record a recording within Kiddom. Additionally, students can upload an audio file from their device. This is great for lower elementary students and for students to record themselves in small group or partner work (for all grade levels)!
Note: There is a 2-minute recording limit using the Kiddom platform. Longer recordings would need to be uploaded from the device.
The drawing tool can be used when students need to complete an answer by drawing, labeling, or graphing. Students can use a marker tool to draw by hand. They can also add text using the text tool or use the image button to upload an image from a file! Click here and view the video below to learn more about drawing-type questions.
Pre-Filled Answer
This is the same as a written response question type, but teachers can pre-fill the answer box to provide sentence stems for students.
Students are able to respond to the question by uploading files from their device or Google Drive. This is great for projects and essays!