Student Help: Student Bookmarks

Student Bookmarks are a great way for you to save content for future reference. This cool feature makes it super easy for you to access previous materials while working on new assignments.

Tips for Using the Bookmark Feature

When you're working on an assignment, keep an eye out for the bookmark icon at the top right of the assignment. Just click on the icon, and a popup will ask you to name the bookmarked assignment. Plus, there's a handy icon on the right-hand menu for quick access to your saved bookmarks.

Check out this illustration demonstrating the process of bookmarking an activity using the banner icon in the top right corner.

You also have the option to edit or delete your bookmarked items. Just click on the bookmark icon at the top of the assignment or select the three dots next to the bookmark on the bookmark list.

Take a look at this dropdown menu with options

To access your saved bookmarks, simply click on the bookmark icon from the right-hand menu and choose the bookmarked assignment you want to view. When you click on the bookmark, you'll be able to see both the current assignment and the bookmarked content side-by-side.

Just a heads up: The current assignment will be active, while the bookmarked assignment will be in view-only mode.

Check out this cool animation illustrating a student's view when opening a bookmarked assignment with side-by-side display.

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