How Can I Use Kiddom to Support Differentiation?

As educators, we know that learning does not benefit from a one-size-fits-all approach. Each student brings unique perspectives into the classroom. While Kiddom is a source for core curriculum, it can also be a powerful tool for supporting differentiated instruction!

Two people sit at a table using laptops. Text reads:


With Kiddom's Curriculum Management feature, teachers can personalize assignments to best meet the varying needs, goals, and interests of their classrooms. Check out these articles to learn more about personalizing assignments: What is Curriculum Management? and Personalizing Assignments.

Read Aloud

When personalizing an assignment in Kiddom, teachers can utilize the audio feature to record themselves reading aloud a question to students. In the personalizing view, click the microphone button next to any question to open the audio feature. Please note that there is a 2-minute recording limit.

Digital interface showing how to add audio files to personalized versions of activities.

Interface showing a question about defining


Teachers can also make student groups in Kiddom, allowing teachers to differentiate instruction and materials for different groups of students. Teachers can even assign different versions of assignments to different groups. Click here to learn more!

Standards Reports

Core curriculum assessments in Kiddom are standards-aligned, and teachers also have the option of adding standards to any assignment through personalizing. Kiddom offers actionable insights that are standards-aligned, allowing teachers to track how students are doing across individual standards over time in order to provide feedback and support right away. Kiddom offers Standards Mastery Reports and Assignment View Reports so teachers can quickly identify gaps as well as celebrate growth with their students.

Teacher Collaboration

Collaboration is essential to learning. With Kiddom's co-teacher functionality, teachers can invite other teachers to join their classes in Kiddom! Co-teachers can have insight into student progress and support student growth. Click here to learn how to add co-teachers to your classes. Please note: if your school is rostered through an integration system like Clever or Classlink, then co-teachers will need to be added to your class in your district's SIS in order to have access to those classes in Kiddom. Feel free to reach out to your CSM or for additional guidance on this!

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