What Is The Kiddom Student Experience?

After you have logged into your account, you will be taken to your student dashboard. This is where you can see your classes. Click on a class to enter it and to view your Assignments, Classroom, Announcements, and Reports.


The Classroom is where you will access your assignment if your teacher has launched it through the Classwork feature. It is also where you will see the Whiteboard if your teacher is actively using it with your class.


Your Announcements shows all your teacher announcements for your class.

Student Assignments:

Your Assignments tab shows all of the “new” and “due today” assignments for your class. 

Note: If it is a new account, nothing will show in your Assignments until your teacher sends you an assignment.

Older and Late Assignments:

If you are looking for older assignments, click on the Filters drop down. Click on the Late button to see which assignments you may have that are still unsubmitted or late. Click on the Done button to see assignments you have submitted.


The bell icon in the top right shows you any updates to your assignments, grade notifications, and comments from your teacher. Click on it and it will show you notifications where you can also go directly to the assignment by clicking on the assignment name.


From the Assignments tab, click on an assignment to enter it and to begin working. If the assignment has multiple questions, you can click on a question to work through the assignment one question at a time. Remember to submit when you're finished with the entire assignment by clicking the blue "Submit" button in the upper right corner!

Once your teacher has graded the assignment, you'll be able to review your scores and feedback by clicking on the assignment from your Assignments Timeline. You can also directly access the graded assignment from your Notifications.

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