Student Help: I'm A Student. How Do I Sign Up?

Welcome to Kiddom!

Often, your school or teacher will have already set up an account for you to log in and join your teacher's class. However, if you do not already have an account set up, please follow these directions to create an account and join a class:

Signing Up for Kiddom

When signing up for Kiddom for the first time, click here to sign up. You will need to enter a class code provided by your teacher, your email address, your name, and a password to create your account.


If you have a Google account, you can sign up with your existing account. Just allow Google to access your account and login with your Google email and password.

And that’s it! You will be taken to your student dashboard, where you will find your classes.  Click here to learn more about the student experience in Kiddom.

Note: If you see the Curriculum tab like the image below, you have signed up as a teacher. Send us an email at to update your account or send us a message via the blue chat icon on the bottom left corner of the screen. Let us know that you are a student who signed up as a teacher, and we will fix your account.

Screenshot of an educational dashboard displaying

My teacher/school already has an account for me. How do I login?

If your teacher or school has already created an account for you, you will not need to create an account as described above. Instead, click here to go to the login screen to enter your login information that your teacher provided or login with your Google account. If your school uses an integration system, like Clever or Classlink, please log into Kiddom through that portal. For more information about logging in as a student, ask your teacher for help.

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