How Do I Create or Delete a Class?

New classes can be added from your Kiddom home page. You can get there by clicking on the Classes tab from the left drawer menu. Click on Add New Class at the top right of the screen. Once your class or classes are created, you can invite your students to join! For more information on how to add/invite students, click here!

Note: if your school/district rosters accounts through an integration (Clever, Classlink, etc.), then your classes and students will be pre-populated in your account and you will not need to create any new classes within Kiddom.

Blue button with a plus sign and the text

Can My Classes Have More Than One Grade-Level or Subject?


When you are creating a new class, you will be prompted to enter what grades and what subjects you want. Simply click all the subjects and grades within your classroom. Once you click a subject or grade, the selected subject/grade will have a checkmark next to it, indicating you have selected it.

Dropdown menu for selecting grade levels appears on a class creation form. Options include Kindergarten, Grade 1, Grade 2, Grade 3, and Grade 4. Grade 1 and Grade 2 are selected.

Multi-subject classes provide teachers the ability to align standards across multiple subject areas. If teachers assign an informational science text, they can align the assignment to ELA standards for informational reading as well as science standards for content.

How do I delete a class?

You cannot delete a class in Kiddom, but you can archive it. This helps prevent the accidental loss of precious student data. Archived classes are removed from your dashboard, but can be found in your archive in case they are ever needed.

Note: if your school/district rosters accounts through an integration (Clever, Classlink, etc.), then your active classes cannot be permanently archived by a teacher. Our system syncs up with your rostering system nightly and will recover any active classes that have been archived. If you need a n inactive class archived, please get in touch with your school's admin or IT team to have that class archived within their system.

To archive a class, navigate to your Classes page and click the three dots on the bottom right of the class you wish to archive, then select "Archive Class".

Class dashboard showing

To view your archived classes, navigate to your Classes page and click the 3-dot button in the upper right corner above your class tiles.

Dashboard displaying

To unarchive any class, click the 3-dot button on the archived class and click "Unarchive Class". This will move the class back to your Classes page.

Interface showing an archived English class with options for more actions and an

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