Why Am I Experiencing Issues with Linking Google Drive to Kiddom?

If you are experiencing issues with adding Google Drive files to Kiddom, try removing and re-adding access.

To remove Kiddom access:

  1. Go to https://myaccount.google.com/.
  2. On the left navigation panel, select Security.

Google Account Security page showing account protection status, security activity, and sign-in methods.

  1. On the third-party apps with account access panel, select Manage third-party access.

Screenshot of Google Account page showing 27 third-party apps and services connected.

  1. Find and click on Kiddom from the list, then select "Delete all connections you have with Kiddom".

Google account settings with instructions to delete connections to Kiddom.

Once you remove access, you can then reauthorize Kiddom access when you create your first assignment.

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