Why Don't I/My Students Have Permission To View a Google Attachment?

If you are sharing an item with students via our Google Drive integration, you or your students may encounter the following screen:

Google Drive access request page with a keyhole image and access request button.

  • If you are a teacher and encountering this issue, please double-check that you are signed into the same Google account you used to originally send out the assignment. If you are, verify the sharing permissions for the attachment. If you were not logged into the correct email, then sign into the desired Google account and refresh Kiddom.
  • If you are a co-teacher with edit or view permissions, the document owner will have to grant you permission to access the original file. The original document owner can grant you permission by either clicking share and entering your Gmail address on the top right of the document, or you can click "Request Access" if the document has already been shared.
  • If you are a student, please reach out to your teacher or click "Request access". 

If you need further support, please contact our dedicated Support Team at support@kiddom.co or by clicking on the blue questionmark box in the bottom left corner.

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