Student Help: How Do I Take a Screenshot In Order To Share My Work?

This article contains steps on how to capture a screenshot on a Mac, Windows, or Chromebook.


There are two methods to create a screenshot using a Mac device:

Method 1:

  • To select a specific area you want to take a screenshot of, press the keys ⇧ SHIFT + CMD + 4.
    • This will make your cursor look like a target. Click and drag it over your work. Your computer will then take a picture of that area.
  • If you want to record a video, press ⇧ SHIFT + CMD + 5.
    • A box will appear that you can resize. Anything inside of the box will be captured. You can use this option to take a screenshot as well.
  • Once you've taken the screenshot, open your Finder and select Recents.
    • Your picture will be labeled “Screenshot” with the date and time that you took it. You can rename it by clicking on the title twice and entering a new title. You can also move the picture to another location so that it is easier to find.

Method 2:

  • Open your Launchpad (grid button in your menu bar).
  • Open the folder labeled Other and find the Screenshot icon.
    • This will open a toolbar that allows you to create screenshots of select parts of your screen, the whole screen, or record a video of your screen.


  • To create a screenshot, press the Windows logo key + ⇧ SHIFT + S.
    • This will open the Snipping Tool, which allows you to select an area to capture or the entire screen.
  • To create a video recording of your screen, press the Windows logo key + ⇧ SHIFT + R.
    • This will also open the Snipping Tool, but it will be set to record a video of your screen instead of a picture.


  • To create a screenshot, press CTRL + SHIFT + F5.
    • This will open a menu that will allow you to select Screenshot (camera icon).
    • You can choose whether you want to take a screenshot of your entire screen or a select area.
  • To create a screenshot, press CTRL + SHIFT + F5.
    • This will open a menu that will allow you to select Screen Record (video camera icon).
    • You can choose whether you want to record your entire screen or a select area.
  • Once you take a screenshot or recording, the files are saved into your “Downloads” folder, where they are labeled with the date and time you took them, unless you've customized the location where screenshots are saved. You can click on the notification to open the Downloads folder and select the image file.
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