How Do I Navigate My Classroom in Kiddom?

The Kiddom classroom gives teachers the ability to interact with classes or individual students in a few different ways. To locate your classroom, navigate into your class and click on the "Classroom" tab (chair icon) on the left-hand menu. 

A virtual classroom interface showing a grid of student icons with various avatars and names, including a teacher icon labeled

In the upper left corner, you will find your Class Code for your classroom, which can be used to invite students to your class. Click here to learn more about class codes.

Student Profiles

Within your classroom, you'll see tiles for all of your rostered students. Each student tile will have either a black circle with a slash through it or a green circle with a check. A black circle indicates the student is not logged in, while a green circle indicates the student is logged into your class.

Profile icons labeled

You can also click on a student tile to enter a one-on-one environment with the student, allowing you to chat with the student, edit the student's name, or remove the student from your class. Click here to learn more about modifying students in Kiddom. Note: If your school rosters students via integration, such as Clever or Classlink, then editing a student's name/enrollment in Kiddom will need to be done through your school's integrated SIS. Please contact your school's admin or IT team to make any changes.

Virtual classroom interface displaying avatars of participants. A menu next to

Command Center

At the bottom of your Classroom page, you'll notice a Command Center toolbar, which features five tools to use with your students:

Icons labeled A to E show different symbols: A has three dots, B a hand, C a scribbling pencil, D a speech bubble, and E a presentation screen.

A. Lower Hands: If your students have raised their hands in Kiddom, you'll notice a hand icon appear on their tiles. Click this to lower all raised hands at once. 

B. Raise Hand: Click this to raise your own hand.

C. Whiteboard: Use this virtual whiteboard with your class to synchronously draw on a canvas during instruction. This tool also allows students to add to the whiteboard. Click here to learn more about the Virtual Whiteboard in Kiddom.

D. Chat: Use the chat feature to send a message to your entire Classroom. Click here to learn more about communicating with students in Kiddom. 

E. Classwork: Use this to access lessons you've added to your Classwork queue and to preview or launch activities. Click here to learn more about using Classwork.

Additional Classroom Features

In the top right, you'll also see some additional Classroom features.

A virtual classroom interface showing profiles of a teacher and five students and the features toolbar.

You can sort student tiles in your classroom alphabetically by first name or last name. The blue "Add People" button opens a dropdown menu to add students, co-teachers, or groups to your class. The bell icon is where you can access all of your notifications. Clicking your avatar will open a dropdown menu to access your Account Settings, our Help Desk page, and to log out of your account. 

Watch this video to learn more about the Kiddom Classroom!

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