How Do I View and Grade Student Work? Assignment View

The Assignment View provides teachers with an easy-to-navigate, single point of reference, quick look at class and student performance on any individual task. Using Kiddom’s Assignment View, teachers can analyze how their class and individual students performed on any gradable task. 

What can teachers see after assigning a gradeable activity?

The Assignment View is an in-depth look at one assignment. To access the Assignment View, navigate to the Planner (calendar icon) and click on the assignment you’d like to view.

Screenshot of a digital classroom interface showing assignments. The highlighted assignment is

Before the assignment has been fully graded, the report will display student submission statuses, submission rate statistics, and scores for all auto-graded questions, including individual student scores and a whole-class success rate on each auto-graded question.

An animation showing how to access and grade assignments from the Assignment View. The user clicks the

From this view, you can preview any question by hovering over the question number. 

Question 4 of an assessment is highlighted, showing information about the question, including the point value, question text, type of question, and related standards.

You can preview the full assignment by clicking the Preview button (eyeball icon) in the upper right corner. You can also view and modify the assignment settings by clicking the gear icon. If you’d like to learn more about what assignment settings can be modified, click here

A gear icon next to an eye icon, both inside circular borders on a light gray background.

How do I grade?

When you are ready to grade, click “Grade Assignments” in the upper right corner. This will take you to the first student response that requires grading. From here, you can choose to grade by question or by student.

Grade assignments dashboard showing student scores, status, and grade distribution for a math assignment.

Grade by Question

Grading by question enables teachers to grade a single question for all students. This allows teachers to easily compare how different students responded to the same question and informs decisions such as reviewing certain concepts or making adjustments if it seems the question might have been confusing or too hard. It also reduces the need for constant context-switching between different questions.

To grade by question, make sure “Grade by Question” is selected in the dropdown menu on the left. This will display the first ungraded question for a student. Enter the points earned and any feedback for that question, then click “Next Ungraded” to see and grade the next student response to the same question.

Screenshot of a grading interface for Module 2 Mid-Unit 2 Assessment. Shows student answers, feedback, and scores for four questions, with a sidebar displaying the questions available to grade.

Grade by Student

Grading by student enables teachers to grade all answers for one student at a time. This mirrors how teachers might grade with paper and pen and gives a holistic view into how a single student has done on the assignment. 

To grade by question, make sure “Grade by Student” is selected in the dropdown menu on the left. This will display the first ungraded assignment in its entirety for a student. Enter the points earned and any feedback for all of the student's work. After grading a student’s assignment, click “Next Ungraded” to be taken to the next student assignment that requires grading.

Screenshot of a math assignment interface showing student grades and feedback options on numbers and ratios. The list of students is highlighted.

What happens after I grade?

Once you’ve finished grading all submitted assignments, you can review how students did by viewing the Assignment View Reports. Click here to learn more about Assignment View Reports. 

When you’re finished reviewing grades, click “Post Grades” in the upper right corner to publish grades to students. Students will not be able to see any grades or feedback until the teacher has posted the grades. Check out this article about posting feedback to students!

The class Reports tab will also not update to represent this data until the assignment has been posted. Check out this article about the Reports tab.

Note: Once grades are posted to students, they can no longer edit and resubmit their assignment. 

A screenshot of the assignment options from the Assignment View. The

What happens if a student submits an assignment after grading? How does this affect the data reports?

If a student submits an assignment after you have graded all student submissions, you can still grade it and post it to the student by following the grading flows above. Please note that the Grade Average data and the Grade Distribution data in the Scoreboard will no longer be displayed until the newly submitted work is graded, even if data was previously displayed. This ensures that only the most up-to-date data is displayed in these sections. Once the newly submitted work is graded, then the updated Grade Average and Grade Distribution data will appear. 

Grade info chart with 88% assignment status, 80% average, distribution range 58%-100%, and student list details. The grade average and grade distribution charts are highlighted.

Can I only post one grade at a time?

If you’d like to only post a grade to just one student, you’ll want to first view the full student assignment either by clicking on the student name in the table or by changing the grading flow to “Grade by Student”. Click the 3-dot menu next to “Review Grades” and click “Post grade to (student name)”. You will see a confirmation message that the grade has been successfully posted to the selected student.

A math assignment screen showing a student selected, their grade, and a question. The assignment menu is open showing an option to post the grade to the student.

Can I update grades after posting?

Yes! If you’ve updated grades for one or multiple students, you can either post the updated grades one at a time or post all the updated grades at once. To post one grade at a time, follow the same flow for posting one student’s grades by viewing the full assignment for the student, clicking the 3-dot button and clicking “Post grade to (student name)”. 

If you’ve updated grades for multiple students and want to post them all at the same time, you can click “Review Grades” to be brought back to the Assignment Reports and click “Post Grades”. You will see a confirmation message that summarizes the updated grades to be posted, as well as any previously posted grades that were not updated (and will not be affected). 

A pop-up window shows grade updates with a

Click “Post” to confirm and post the updated grades to students. 

Watch the video below to see Assignment View in action!

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