How Does Partial Credit Work for Auto-Graded Questions?

In Kiddom, we believe in the importance of capturing students' progress accurately. By allowing partial credit for the following question types, you can acknowledge students’ partial successes, better support them in their journey to develop their knowledge and skills, and create a more fair and motivating assessment environment.

How do I enable partial credit for auto-graded questions?

Partial credit is enabled by default for all of the following question types across all curricula provided via Kiddom: 

  • Multiple-select (MS)
  • Fill-in-the-blank (FitB)
  • Fill-in-the-blank drag-n-drop (FitB DnD)
  • Matching
  • Ordering 

If for any reason you want to turn off partial credit for specific questions or assignments, you can do so easily by personalizing the assignment and toggling the checkbox off. When creating assignments in Kiddom that include one of the question types listed above, partial credit is enabled by default. While editing, you can choose whether to have partial credit enabled or to switch over to an all-or-nothing approach to auto-grading.

Screenshot of a question editing interface with options: Fill in the Blank, 4 Points, Align to Skill, and Allow Partial Credit checked.

How does partial credit work?

Let's explore how this feature works for different question types and in different scenarios.

Multiple-Select (MS) Questions: 

When it comes to MS questions, the system considers the number of response options. Partial credit is awarded based on the accuracy of marking options as correct or incorrect. There are two ways to ‘earn’ points in MS questions: by selecting a correct option or by not selecting an incorrect one. If a student skips the question altogether, they won’t be awarded any points for that question (even though they didn’t select all of the incorrect response options).

Consider this example: Mrs. Frizzle created a MS question with 5 response options, where options A and B should be marked as correct. The whole question is worth 3 points. Here is how her students performed on the question:

Student Name Correct options selected Incorrect options not selected Success rate Student score
Arnold 2 3 5 out of 5 = 100% 3
Keesha 2 2 4 out of 5 = 80% 2
Ralphie 1 1 2 out of 5 = 40% 1
Wanda 1 0 1 out of 5 = 20%  0
Dorothy Ann 0 3 0 out of 5 = 0% 0

Fill in the Blank (FitB) and Fill in the Blank Drag and Drop (FitB DnD) Questions:

For FitB questions, the number of blanks is the main consideration. Partial credit is given for correctly filled blanks, while incorrectly filled blanks receive no credit.

Let's return to Mrs. Frizzle's assessment: Mrs. Frizzle created a FitB question with 3 blanks. The question is worth 4 points. Here is how her students performed on the question:

Student Name Correctly filled blanks Success rate Student score
Arnold 3 3 out of 3 = 100% 4
Keesha 2 2 out of 3 = 67% 2
Ralphie 1 1 out of 3 = 33% 1
Wanda 0 0 out of 3 = 0%  0

Matching Questions: 

When it comes to matching questions, the number of required matches is the defining factor. Partial credit is given for correct matches, while incorrect matches do not contribute to the score.

Here is Mrs. Frizzle's next question: Mrs. Frizzle created a matching question with 5 required matches. The question is worth 3 points. Here is how her students performed on the question:

Student Name Correct matches Success rate Student score
Arnold 5 5 out of 5 = 100% 3
Keesha 4 4 out of 5 = 80% 2
Ralphie 3 3 out of 5 = 60% 1
Wanda 2 2 out of 5 = 40%  1
Dorothy Ann 1 1 out of 5 = 20% 0
Tim 0 0 out of 5 = 0% 0

Ordering Questions: 

In the case of ordering questions, the number of items is considered. Partial credit is awarded for having items in the correct order, while items in an incorrect order receive no credit. Students who skipped the question and did not move any items to be ordered will receive 0 points automatically (even if by chance some items were ordered correctly when the question was presented).

One last question on Mrs. Frizzle's assessment: Mrs. Frizzle created an ordering question with 6 response options. The question is worth 2 points. Here is how her students performed on the question:

Student Name Correctly ordered items Success rate Student score
Arnold 6 6 out of 6 = 100% 2
Keesha 4 4 out of 6 = 67% 1
Ralphie 3 3 out of 6 = 50% 1
Wanda 2 2 out of 6 = 33%  0
Dorothy Ann 0 0 out of 6 = 0% 0
Tim (skipped the question) 3 0 out of 6 = 0% 0

If you have any questions or need further assistance with utilizing the partial credit feature, please reach out to your CSM or our support team at We're here to ensure that you have a seamless grading experience and make the most of Kiddom's capabilities.

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