How Does Auto-Grading for Short Answer and Fill-in-the-Blank Questions Work in Math and Science Curricula?


Short Answer (SA) and Fill-in-the-Blank (FitB) are common auto-gradable question types in Kiddom. Kiddom uses advanced features to accurately evaluate a variety of student responses. This guide explains how the system recognizes and grades different answer formats, ensuring a fair and comprehensive assessment of student knowledge.

1. Spaces

    • Removing extraneous spaces, particularly in and around numbers.
    • Example: Responses like "2 + 2" and "2 +2" are treated the same. Spaces at the beginning or end of the response, as well as double spaces within, are ignored.

2. Commas in 4+ Digit Numbers

    • Disregards commas in numbers with four or more digits, ensuring numerical values are evaluated correctly.
    • Example: A response of "1,000" is treated equivalently to "1000".

3. Styling/Formatting

    • Any styling or formatting, such as italicization in math expressions, is ignored during grading.
    • Example: A response with italicized units or variables, like "m" for meters, is evaluated the same as unitalicized.

4. Decimal Notation

    • Responses expressed as decimals can also be considered equivalent to other valid forms of representing decimal numbers.
    • Example: A student response of “0.5" will be marked correct if the answer key lists ".5" or "0.50".

5. Multiplication in Math Expressions 

    • Mathematical expressions featuring variables, coefficients, and multiplication symbols can be equivalent to those consisting solely of variables and coefficients.
    • Example: A student response of "3*x" will be marked correct if the answer key lists "3x".

6. Fraction Versus Decimal Answers

    • Fractional answers can be equated with their decimal counterparts.
    • Example: A student response of "½" will be marked correct if the answer key lists "0.5".

7. Multiple Expressions of Fractions

    • Different expressions of the same fraction are recognized as equivalent.
    • Example: Answers like "½", "2/4", or "3/6" are all treated as correct if they mathematically equate to the answer key.

8. Order of Terms in Expressions

    • The commutative property of addition and multiplication is identified and taken into account.
    • Example: For a correct answer of "x + 2", the system will also accept "2 + x".

9. Parentheses Around Negative Numbers

    • The system recognizes the equivalence of expressions with or without parentheses around negative numbers.
    • Example: "1 + −2" and "1 + (−2)" are both accepted.

10. Placement of Negative Sign in Fractions

    • Negative signs in front of a fraction or in the numerator are treated as equivalent.
    • Example: "-1/2" and "(-1)/2" are both accepted.

11. Text Versus Math Keyboard Answers

    • Regular text responses can be compared to responses authored using the Math Keyboard.
    • Example: A typed answer "x^2" will be considered correct if it matches the MathType answer.

12. Mixed Fractions

    • Mixed fractions are interpreted correctly, regardless of formatting.
    • Example: Both "1½" and "1 ½" are both accepted.

13. Mixed Number Versus Fraction Button

    • The system can distinguish between mixed numbers and fractions, regardless of the input method.
    • Example: Both a mixed number input and a fraction button input for the same value are marked correct.

14. Supporting Multiple Unit Conventions

    • Variations in the ways students represent units are recognized as the same.
    • Example: Responses like "yd" and "yard" or "meter" and "m" are considered equivalent.
    • Please refer to this table for a full list of supported unit conventions:
meter, meters, metre, metres, m inch, inches, in mile, miles, mi
kilometer, kilometers, kilometre, kilometres, km, kilos foot, feet, ft
centimeter, centimeters, centimetre, centimetres, cm yard, yards, yds, yd
Mass, weight
gram, grams, gramme, grammes, g kilogram, kilograms, kilogramme, kilogrammes, kg pound, pounds, lbs, lb
tons, tonne, tonnes, ton

Duration, time
second, seconds, s days, day years, year
minute, minutes, mins, min weeks, week
h, hrs, hour, hours, hr months, month
L, liter, liters, litre, litres, l cup, cups, cps, cp quart, quarts, qts, qt
ounce, ounces, oz pint, pints, pts, pt gallon, gallons, gals, gal
kelvin, K celsius, degC fahrenheit, degF
mole, moles, mol

Force, energy, power
newton, newtons, N joule, joules, J horsepower, hp
dyne, dynes, dyn watt, watts, W

pascal, pascals, Pa

Electricity and magnetism
amp, amps, ampere, amperes, A ohm, ohms, Ω tesla, teslas, T
coulomb, coulombs, C farad, farads, F henry, henries, H
volt, volts, V weber, webers, Wb siemens, S
dollars, dollar (or a prefix $)

Geometry (and temperature)
degrees, degree (or degree symbol) radian, radians, rad angle, angle sign

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