Teachers: What is Curriculum Management?
Kiddom’s curriculum management capabilities enable dynamic personalizations in classrooms. There are two roles for Curriculum Management: Editor and Teacher.
As a Teacher, you can:
- Personalize curricula for your classes and students.
- Receive versions of personalized content from the Editors at your school and/or district.
- Personalize the versions shared by Editors at your school and/or district.
- Have multiple versions of any assignment.
Continue reading to explore how to maximize the benefits of curriculum management as a Teacher! If you wish to learn more about curriculum management as an Editor, click here.
Assignment Settings Overview
When opening an assignment as a Teacher, you will find a toolbar above the assignment's title that contains a number of options:
- Version dropdown menu: This dropdown allows you to switch between versions of content that you have created or have access to.
- Assignment Settings: Allows you to change the type of assignment, as well as some other settings. These can be edited when personalizing.
- Personalize: Creates a new version of the assignment and allows you to edit its content.
- Preview (eyeball icon): Allows you to preview the activity from a student view before assigning.
- Print: Allows you to print a student version of the assignment.
- Assign: Allows you to assign the activity to your students.
Version Dropdown Menu
When you access the version dropdown menu, you will be able to view all the versions of the content you have created or that have been shared with you. These versions will be organized into the following categories (based on the versions that exist):
- Published: This category will include the original version of the content, as well as any edited versions that have been published by your school and/or district for teachers to view and assign.
- My Versions: This category includes your own private versions of the content that only you can view and assign.
Personalizing Content
When you are ready to begin personalizing content, simply click on the “Personalize” button. This will open a window where you can name the new version. Once you have added a name, click the Confirm button, and a new version of the content will be created for you to start editing.
The Preview button (eyeball icon) allows you to review the assignment from a student's perspective before assigning your new version.
Once you have personalized the content, click “Done.” This version can be accessed using the version dropdown menu under “My Versions”.
If you wish to continue editing the version, click “Edit Version” to reopen the editing mode.
To remove the version, click the 3-dot button and select “Delete Version”. A confirmation message will appear asking you to confirm this action before deletion. Please be aware that once deleted, the personalized version cannot be recovered.
Assigning and Grading Personalized Content
When you are ready to assign your personalized version, please ensure that the correct version is displayed in the version dropdown menu and then click either "Classwork" or “Assign”. For more information about the “Assign” option, you can click here; to learn more about the launching “Classwork” option, you can click here.
On your Planner page, you will be able to see the personalized version label under the assignment's title.
The personalized version label will also appear within the Assignment View, allowing you to easily track the assigned and graded versions.