Admins: What are Admin Assignment View Reports?

The Assignment View for Administrators provides school and district leaders with a user-friendly method to analyze students, classrooms, and schools' performance on unit-level and interim-level assessments in Kiddom, including:

  • Pre-assessments
  • Mid-unit assessments
  • End-of-unit assessments
  • Standardized, interim assessments
  • Personalized versions of any assessments

Assignment View reports equip school and district leaders with tools and data to make informed instructional and resource allocation decisions. 


The scoreboard provides a quick visual representation of score distribution for each grade level.

Bar graph showing color-coded performance percentages for Grades 2-6, ranging from under 60% to 90-100%.


The table view presents each graded and posted unit-level and interim assessment, along with a breakdown of some of the data.

Table showing assessment details: subject, version, grade level, schools, classrooms, students, submission stats, grades.

The table:

  • Tracks student submissions
  • Tracks grading progress 
  • Can be sorted by displayed columns


The drop-down menus above the Scoreboard enable an administrator to sort and filter the displayed data by school and grade level.

An animation showing how to filter assessment data by grade level.

What if I want to focus on a specific assessment? 

Analyzing a specific assessment is straightforward! Simply click on the assessment within the table to focus your analysis. Your dashboard will then display:


The assignment Scoreboard contains high-level metrics, including assignment status, grade average, and grade distribution

Bar graph showing assignment status: 187 graded, 108 submitted, 217 started, 43 not submitted. Grade average is 74%.


The assignment scoresheet breaks the data down at various levels. This data can be shown in two ways: Question View or Standards View.

Question View organizes the data by individual questions. Hovering over the question header will display information about the question, including the point value, question text, question type, and standards tied to that question.

Assignment info screenshot showing student grades. The chart is sorted by question number and the pointer is highlighted over one of the questions. A pop-up shows information about the question, including the text, point value, and question type.

Standards View organizes the data by the standards assessed on the exam. Hovering over the standards header will display information about questions that are tied to that standard.

Assignment info screenshot showing student grades. The assessment is sorted by standards and the pointer is highlighted over one of the standards. A pop-up shows information about the question related to that standard, including the text, point value, and question type.


The "Breakdown by:" drop-down enables an administrator to view an assessment at various levels:

  • Schools: District administrators can compare progress on a standardized assessment across schools.
  • Classroom: School and district administrators can compare progress on a standard assessment within a school.
  • Student: School and district administrators can analyze individual students' progress on an assessment.

An animation showing how to change the view from school level to classroom level.

Downloading and Printing Reports

Administrators also have the ability to export, save, and print any report in CSV format. To download a CSV of a report, click the Download CSV button in the top right corner. This will automatically download the file to your Downloads folder.

The following video contains more information about the Admin Assignment View:

If you have any additional questions, please contact your Customer Success Manager or reach out to our support team at

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