Student Help: How Do I Check My Grades and Teacher Feedback?
Once you submit an assignment, your teacher will grade it and post the result. When your grade is entered, you'll receive both an email and an in-app notification (bell icon).
If you want to check your grades and any feedback, simply open your class and click on the assignment. You'll be able to see your final grade and any comments your teacher may have left for you. Alternatively, you can click on the in-app notification, and it will take you straight to the assignment.
Your assignment may have a general comment displayed at the top of the page or specific feedback attached to the questions within the assignment.
If your teacher has given feedback for specific questions, you will see how many there are in the assignment. By hovering over the link, you can view the specific question numbers for which feedback was given.
If you want to know more about how Kiddom calculates grades, click here.