What's New with Unlock Phonics?

Kiddom is pleased to release an update to the EL Education Unlock Phonics (UP) curriculum experience to all of our Unlock Phonics customers. This new, simplified student experience is fully contained within the Kiddom platform, allowing students to more easily navigate between the provided coaching videos and directions aligned to the activities they are working on. Furthermore, since all content is embedded in Kiddom, students and teachers will not encounter blocked resources due to school/district internet use policies.

Changes to Unlock Phonics

In the previous version of UP, most learning materials, including YouTube-hosted videos, were housed in Google Slides that students would navigate through while completing their assigned sessions in Kiddom.

An animation showing the old Unlock Phonics navigation, containing a slide deck at the top followed by a series of questions for students to complete.

In the new UP experience, the students' materials are embedded in the student assignments at the point of use. Students will still receive the same content but will not need to scroll back and forth between the questions and slide deck or navigate out of the Kiddom platform to review any materials. 

An animation of the new Unlock Phonics navigation, showing the instruction and videos embedded with the student questions.

I have already begun teaching with the previous version of Unlock Phonics. How will this affect my classes?

In short, it won't affect any previously assigned and graded materials. All of the materials currently in Kiddom will remain, including any graded assignments. Students will immediately begin seeing the new version of Unlock Phonics on any series activities assigned after the new version is rolled out. However, any assigned materials from the previous version will retain the old version's settings. If you want your students to begin using the new version for currently assigned work, you will need to reassign those series to the students.

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