What Happens After I Assign Something to My Students?
When opening a class in Kiddom, educators are directed to the Planner page (calendar icon). This page prominently displays assigned work, allowing for easy access to the tasks assigned to students, their due dates, and the number of student submissions.
How to Access Student Submissions
Student submissions can be accessed from the Planner page by selecting a specific assignment for review and grading. Further information on grading in Kiddom is available here.
Filtering Assignments
Educators also have the option to filter the assignments visible on their timeline. The filter drop-down menus are located at the top of the timeline. The Filters menu allows for the selection of assignments based on their status. To reset the filter, click on the Filters drop-down menu and select “Clear Filter”.
The Student Filter menu allows for the selection of specific students to view their submitted work. To filter by student, click on the “Everyone” drop-down menu, then select the student whose assignments you would like to view.
Locating Older Assignments
The Planner page automatically displays the most recent assignments and hides older ones as new ones are added. To find older assignments, click the View Past Calendar button at the bottom of the Planner page.